How To Manifest Money And Financial Freedom Into Your Life 

  • February 5
  • By Michael Karlsson
  • Minute Read

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There is no escaping this simple fact, money is a fundamental necessity of life. It exerts more power and control over us than anything else; it rules our lives. Because of this, it is critical to understand how to manifest money into our lives and use it to build long-term wealth.

Manifesting financial freedom is the number one driving factor that causes most people to learn more about the law of attraction techniques. While manifestation tools can attract financial success, getting real wealth requires dedication, hard work, patience, and persistence.

The universe will support your financial dreams only once you believe in yourself, become persistent in your efforts and pursue different ways to tackle your ambitious goals. When you become obsessed with your goals and do what is necessary, the money will follow.

Your journey to financial freedom can only start from within. True wealth is a state of mind, and once when you learn how to attain that state of mind, your life will change forever.

Your attitude toward money is the biggest barrier keeping you from attaining financial freedom. What separates the rich from the poor is not just the amount of money they possess, people who are financially successful have a different way of thinking.

So the real question is: How do I develop the thinking patterns so I can attract true wealth? Read on…

Step 1 - Raise Your Financial Comfort Level

Setting your financial comfort level to a higher point is the very first thing you should do if you want to attain true wealth. Most hardworking people cannot do well in life because they live with a financial comfort level that they inherited from their upbringing.

It may seem hard to believe, but according to research, 70 percent of people who win a lottery end up returning to their original financial state. This happens regardless of the size of their winning.

You will only have the amount of money you can comfortably handle. If your financial comfort level is thousands, no matter how many millions you own by accident, you’ll end up having just thousands in a short time.

To invoke change, ask yourself how much money you would need to live your dream life?

Even if it requires 1000x as much money as you have now (or more), don’t worry. Set your financial comfort level for that amount. 

Whenever you experience a negative thought like, “you don’t deserve that”. Instead, challenge the thought and say, “Of course I do!” You must keep enforcing the positive thoughts to break through your limiting money beliefs.

Step 2 - Change Your Limiting Beliefs About Money

To get the most out of the law of attraction for wealth, you must first identify and change any limiting beliefs you have about money.

We go through life hearing phrases like:
“Money doesn’t grow on trees.”
“It’s hard to get Money.”
“Money can’t buy happiness.”
“Good people can never be rich.”

These thoughts instill deep-seated limiting beliefs inside us about money that we must rectify before we can succeed. They are not true statements, they’re designed and propagated by the government and the banks to keep people down and in the workforce well into retirement age.

It’s much easier to form the right habits and mindset to gain true wealth once you see money for what it really is. Money is an accessible and unlimited supply of a resource you can use in any way you desire.

Positive affirmations can be a great help in changing your view of money. Here are some affirmations you can try, by repeating them to yourself over and over for 5-10mins every morning, to help improve your relationship with money:

  • The universe is a constant supplier of money for me.
  • I love money and money loves me back.
  • I am a money magnet.
  • I am happy and positive about money.
  • There are no limits to the amount of money I can possess.
  • My relationship with money is thriving.

What you say to yourself about money becomes what you believe in, and what you believe in becomes reality. Using positive affirmations to combat your limiting beliefs about money empowers you to develop a healthy mindset towards money. This will enable you to get the most from your law of attraction efforts to attain financial freedom.

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Step 3 - Start Building a Healthy Relationship With Money

Most people don’t maintain a healthy relationship with money and they often end up spending more than they earn. This causes them to view money with fear and frustration instead of treating money like a trusted friend.

This broken mindset towards money can only lead to more problems and it places a real limit on your true potential. When you have an unhealthy relationship with money, your attention becomes focused on scarcity, rather than abundance.  And according to the law of attraction, if you rest your focus on scarcity, you will attract more scarcity. You’ll become stuck in a rut, limited by your own beliefs.

To change your relationship with money, spend some time to understand your current money behavior and the financial self-image that you have framed for yourself.

Give yourself permission to forgive the poor money choices you have made in the past because we all make mistakes, no one is perfect. If we cannot forgive ourselves, it will be almost impossible for us to implement changes and start making real progress.

Let go of your past mistakes and embrace your current financial situation.

Face your money fears head-on. Set aside one hour every week to review your checking and savings accounts and credit card balances. 

Realize what your spending habits are and start developing a consistent money strategy to pay off any debt you might have without lowering your living standard.

Focus on paying for the essentials (house bills and grocery) and cutting out any entertainment/hobby bills for a while (Netflix, Movies, Pub, Eating out etc…). Clear your debt first, then you can enjoy your money.

Step 4 - Create An Abundance Mindset Towards Money

It is important to visualize money as if you already have it. This creates a mindset more receptive to financial gain and enables you to imagine what your life will be once you have reached your goals.

This can become a powerful source of motivation to keep you pushing forward when things get difficult. It also creates an abundance mindset as opposed to a scarcity mindset.

Rich people have no problem getting richer because they see money they don’t have as something that’s both abundant and acquirable. They also see money they have as a tool they can use to make more money, rather than something they must protect.

That last point is key. Instead of spending money on possessions you don’t need, like everyone else, start looking into ways to use your money to generate MORE money. Have you ever heard the phrase “you have to spend money to make money”? It is the key to true wealth if done right and all it takes is a small shift in your mindset. 

Step 5 - Start Developing Rich Habits

Our habits influence almost half of our daily activities, they shape our lives far more than we realize.

Habits can make you rich or poor or keep you stuck in the middle class. They influence your success or downfall so to achieve true wealth, you must adopt rich habits and drop the poor ones...

Here Are Some Examples

This exercise can help identify habits that are holding you back from success. Start by drawing two columns on a piece of paper. Under column one, list your bad daily habits. Under column two list their opposite habits, which will be your new rich habits.

Bad Daily Habits

  • I don’t make time for regular daily exercise.
  • I go to bed much later than I should every night.
  • I procrastinate too often and miss my daily deadlines.
  • I always use the cell phone before bedtime.
  • I eat too much junk food and have no self control.

New Rich Habits

  • I will exercise for 30 minutes every day.
  • I’ll go to bed between 10 and 10:30 pm every night.
  • Every day, I’ll accomplish each task on my to-do list.
  • I won’t use the cell phone before bedtime.
  • I’ll cut out junk food and save it only as a treat.

This is an example only: Create your own list by converting your existing bad habits into rich ones. You can now use your New Rich Habits as your daily guide. Refer back to it when you feel yourself slipping back into your old habits to keep yourself on track.

Final Thoughts…

Attracting financial freedom into your life will become easy once you build up a strong foundation of self-belief and develop a positive mindset towards money. However, shifting your mindset from scarcity to freedom needs some work. 

The universe will provide for you once you increase your financial comfort level, improve your relationship with money, develop rich habits and continue to work towards your vision and goals.

Michael Karlsson

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