How to Manifest Health And Healing Into Your Life 

  • February 7
  • By Michael Karlsson
  • Minute Read

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People have been using the power of the law of attraction to change all aspects of their lives to great effect for generations now. The good news is that it’s a skill anyone can learn and develop over time with practice and dedication. Learning how to manifest health through this practice can be a real lifesaver.

Manifesting health using the law of attraction can cover a wide range of goals from getting fitter or losing weight, all the way to helping overcome cancer and disease.

There are many reports of people surviving severe illnesses such as stage 4 cancer. Where the doctors claimed that the patient has no possibility for long-term survival, yet they pulled through to not only survive but get and stay healthy. These patients figured out how to manifest health through the power of the law of attraction and used it, in tandem with the doctor's efforts, to overcome their illness.

The key is to learn how to control your mind and to reprogram your deep-seated subconscious thoughts and beliefs that revolve around stress and sickness. Instead, replace those thoughts with positivity and self-belief, every day see your body as being healed and healthy.

Daily practice of the law of attraction through the visualization meditation technique is a great vehicle to implement these changes and manifest your ideal health. When you change your thinking, you will change your mind, and changing your mind will change your body, which will make you healthy.

The law of attraction works when your body is vibrating in harmony with your thoughts, beliefs, and desires. When you achieve that, then the universe will bring the result that you want to you. So once you get your subconscious mind in harmony with the healthy body that you want, your mind will produce the right vibrations and you will undergo the natural healing process.

The law of attraction is a powerful force when done right, it is not magic but a real science at work. The great thing is that once you master it for health, you can also apply the skill to all other major aspects of your life. You can proceed to focus on improving your relationships, achieving financial freedom, and attaining other life goals.

Here is how to use the law of attraction to improve your health…

Set Your Health Goals

Spend some time thinking about what you want to achieve with your health goals. Do you want to cure a specific disease? Get stronger? Improve your fitness level? Improve your complexion?

Whatever it is you need to be clear on what your goal is before you can continue. Now take it to another level. Think about the positive impact of having a healthy body and what that will bring you. Once you are healthy will you:

  • Travel around the world?
  • Spend more time with your kids?
  • Start working again?
  • Develop new relationships?

Whatever it is you need to imagine the good things that will come along when you have achieved your desire, it will help you stay focused along your journey.

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Believe in Your Ability To Manifest

This step is the most important, you need to believe that what you desire will come true. Believe it through your core, not just in your surface-level thoughts, believe that you can do it and achieve the success you want.

This is the point of failure for most people practising the law of attraction, no matter what their focus is on. They will tell themselves that they believe but their subconscious is on a different path and they end up self-sabotaging their own efforts as a result.

If you want to be healthier, you must also take the actions that will reflect a healthier life. When your mindset, thoughts, and actions are all in harmony then taking the necessary actions will become effortless and the universe will respond to you.

Practice Visualization Meditation and Affirmations

The best way we have found to raise your vibrations and align your energy in harmony with what you desire is through practising visualization and affirmations. By visualizing, your mind makes it become real if you keep it in focus long enough. While repeating the affirmations every day will help break your bad habits and reprogram your thoughts to help your manifestation efforts.

If your goal is to cure an illness that you are suffering from, you must envision yourself as if you are already healthy and free of illness. Also, start thinking of the positive impact being healthy will bring you. It’s powerful thinking of the good things that will come along when you have achieved your desired outcome.

Another great way to help sharpen your focus is by using a vision board to supercharge your motivation. A vision board is a piece of poster board or cork-board containing a collection of words and images that evoke the feelings you associate with your desires.

You can use some cutout pictures, inspirational quotes and images that represent your goal. For example, in your vision board, you can add images of some celebrities with the level of fitness that you aspire to achieve. Put the board somewhere you can see it every day and set aside a few minutes every day to look at the board.

Be Patient With The Process

The law of attraction is not a magic pill and it can take a lot of time for change to occur. It takes persistence, dedication, focus, and belief in order for it to work. This is because changing old habits, beliefs, and routines is not an easy thing to do which is the impact that practicing the law of attraction has on your mind.

Only once your mind and body are in full harmony with each other can manifestation and true change begin. If you give up before this occurs you will miss out on all the opportunities the universe will send your way.

It is also important to trust in the process and not force it. Do your part each day with your visualization meditation and affirmations then move on with your day. Trust that the seeds have been planted and don’t stress over the lack of results you might be seeing. That stress will just lead to negative thoughts that will hold you back.

Keep An Open Mind

During the whole journey keep yourself open to new opportunities, conversations, relationships, etc…

You never know how the universe will help you reach your goals, so proceed with an open mind and heart, be willing to try out new things and meet new people along the way. Prepare yourself as if you are already as healthy as ever, free from illness, and in the best shape of your life.

Show the universe you are ready to receive good health and it will deliver it to you.

Wrap Up

If you want to use the energy of attraction to achieve your desired health, spend more time thinking about health and less time thinking about an illness or your unhealthy lifestyle.

The law of attraction responds to and manifests your thoughts. Control what you are thinking of each day and you will control your life return.

Michael Karlsson

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