Meditation And Brainwaves: What You Should Know 

  • January 25
  • By Michael Karlsson
  • Minute Read

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The relationship between meditation and brainwaves has become a major topic of interest among the dedicated law of attraction followers in recent years. 

There are many law of attraction practitioners that believe it’s possible to become aligned with your souls intention by using lower frequency brainwaves. This is attainable through practicing meditation or using brainwave training tools.

A better understanding of how brainwaves function can be a game-changer for everyone in their efforts to manifest thoughts and dreams into reality. It has a profound impact on the effectiveness of our meditation and manifestation efforts.

Brainwave meditation is becoming an alternative option for immediate relaxation and a vehicle for entering a deeper state of consciousness.

We already know that our subconscious thoughts and beliefs are strong partners in our level of success. What most of us don’t know is that the oscillating electrical impulses in our brain also play a key part in our quest for fulfillment. 

So what are brainwaves? How are they connected to manifestation? We will learn about it as we move along…

What are Brainwaves?

Our brain houses a tight network of billions of nerve cells (neurons) producing an oscillating electrical voltage and generating an overall electric field. These specialized cells convey information throughout our body in both chemical and electrical forms.

They are like synchronized electrical pulses that are detectable with standard medical equipment such as electroencephalography (EEG). Our thoughts and emotions form the electric fields with each one triggering different brainwave frequencies. Some of these brainwaves can make you tired and slow, while others can make you alert and active.

As you can see, our brain is an electrochemical organ. Brainwaves are not a physical thing, rather a measurable electrical function within our brain.

Scientists have identified five different brainwave categories, ranging from low to high frequency. They work almost like musical notes and each brainwave stands for a particular activity. It is important to remember that brainwaves are not the source of our thoughts or experiences; they are the detectable reflection of processes occurring within the brain with each thought, feeling, and action.

The Five Distinct Types of Brainwaves

1 - Gamma Brainwaves (40-100Hz)

Insights & High Level Processing

Gamma brainwaves are linked to higher mental activity, they are the fastest measurable brainwaves. They’re generated when you are learning new information or doing something that requires a lot of concentration and focus.

2 - Beta Brainwaves (14-40Hz)

Waking Consciousness & Reasoning

When you’re wide awake and alert, you’re experiencing Beta brainwaves. They dominate your brain when you read, work and socialize. In this state, your neurons fire as you direct your attention towards cognitive tasks and the outside world.

3 - Alpha Brainwaves (7.5-14Hz)

Deep Relaxation

You experience Alpha brainwaves when you’re trying to go into a deeper state of mind. When your body and mind enters a relaxed state and you visualize your future and attract the things you want, you use Alpha waves. It’s the gateway to your subconscious mind.

4 - Theta Brainwaves (3-7.5Hz)

Light Meditation & Sleeping

Theta brainwaves occur in the brains of experienced meditation practitioners when they absorb into deep meditation. Chakra yoga experts associate Theta brainwaves with the “third eye”. Our brain also enters the Theta brainwave state when we dream in our sleep.

5 - Delta Brainwaves (0.5-3Hz)

Deep Sleep

Delta brainwaves are associated with the deepest stages of sleep. Delta is the state of healing and rejuvenation. It is also the gateway to the realm of the unconscious mind. Meditation adepts can enter this realm when they are in a deep, transcendental meditation.

Training Your Brainwaves

Given enough practice, anyone can train their body and mind to gain access to the different brainwave states.

Brainwave frequencies are managed by our involuntary and autonomic nervous systems. But if you can train your mind to enter a deep meditative state, you can gain some control over your brain frequencies.

Once you can control your brainwaves, you can reprogram your subconscious and unconscious mind and attract your dreams.

Here is a mindfulness meditation exercise to attain Alpha state and move on to the deeper state of Delta…


Step 1 - Prepare

Prepare your mind for the meditation session. Let's start by taking a moment to allow the body to settle into a comfortable posture. Keep your back straight while allowing the shoulders to soften. Close your eyes.


Step 2 - Relax

As your body continues to relax, notice how calm your breathing is. Notice the stillness of your body. Allow your mind to release all your tensions as you find a comfortable rhythm for your breathing.


Step 3 - Awareness

Now notice the gentle rise and fall in your chest with inhalation and exhalation.


Step 4 - Focused Breathing

Keep breathing normally. If thoughts intrude, allow them to pass… and bring your attention back to your breath. There is no need to block or eliminate your thoughts.


Step 5 - Set Emotions Free

As you’re resting your attention on your breath, notice any feeling or emotion that you’re experiencing right now. Note your feelings and emotions… then let go. And return to focusing on your breath.

By now the activity of your brain has slowed down below 13 cycles per second. You’re feeling very calm now. Welcome to the Alpha brainwave state.

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Step 6 - Affirmations Phase

Now you can improve your mindset. If you’re filled with negative thoughts throughout the day, you can now plant the seeds of positivity and confidence. Affirmations repeated in this Alpha state can become powerful mantras that will manifest themselves in your daily life.


Step 7 - Visualisation Phase

As you feel sleep approaching, this is the perfect time to begin some creative visualization exercises so you can go to sleep in a heightened state of positive emotions. If you are chasing a certain feeling or emotion in your life or you want something physical, then focus on that. Feed your mind with compelling images, smells and even the sense of touch as you see yourself achieving the goal you are trying to manifest. Engage all of your senses…


Step 8 - Trust

Continue imagining yourself succeeding or achieving your goal, build upon it until you are right there. Trust in the ideas and imagery that has taken hold and over time they will manifest themselves into reality.

Continue to follow your breaths. Soon your mind will go beyond your thoughts and expand to infinity. You’ll achieve the Theta state. In this state, your mind will realize its infinite potential. And you’ll unlock a life of no limitations.

Wrap Up

It is best to practice the art of meditation and combine it with your manifestation efforts. Meditation will help you enter the different brainwave states faster and over time give you more control over them. This enables you to spend more of your time in the Alpha state where the power of manifestation is the strongest.

Use it to take charge of your life and turn your thoughts and dreams into reality!

Michael Karlsson

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